

As I always stated...time is an extremely important factor for all living species. It waits for no man. Once it passed, there's no getting back, which means no 2nd chance of undoing a mistake nor a 2nd chance to seize an opportunity.

It is thus NOT right to mess with others' time. (if you know whom I'm pointing finger on, keep it to yourself) Why the bloody hell would you give me weird schedules (a 3-4 hours work in the middle of a day...is pretty cruel)? I thought myself of being generous and nice to give him all my availabilities, but it looks like he doesn't know how to be thankful and instead he plays favoritism to my face. Why does this have to happen to someone who's been following society rules by the letter/book?

Also, during an interview, people who ask me what my 5-10 years plan is, my answer is never clear and precise, because I don't have one. My honest answer would be none...it's rather now...to live and enjoy every single moment of the present time.

Up until now, time seems to be evil with humanity, but it's not. If you look at the bright side (glass half full), time is the greatest healer, it heals all kinds of wounds (mental, sentimental, psychological, and physical). You just have to get over it, survive the hardest and darkest moment and the bright blue sky is there waiting for you.


Wall Between The World and Me

Crowded places and loud people are not my thing at all, certainly not continuous-repeating-indistinct noises. I love moments of silence (better for my concentration and thinking)...not a word and not a sound of what-so-ever. Just silence itself.

I am that different from others. It is thus very hard to connect...like if there's a wall between the whole wide world and me. Recently, I'm even thinking of moving out and find myself a calm-quiet-peaceful appartment (houses are too expensive for my wallet).

out of subject: I'm about to have lunch with my superior and by just thinking about it...freaks me out. I don't know how to have a conversation with a boss. I'd rather quietly eat a sandwich at my desk watching an episode of some series.

Sometimes, I do wonder if it's because I have sensitive ears. What I'm trying to say is that I can hear all those annoying little sounds. Like, someone chewing, breathing, walking, typing, phone ringing, clock ticking, water running, etc.
I just hate it when someone/something disturbs me when I'm watching a tv show/movie/drama, reading, day dreaming, sleeping, etc.



What are your options if a beauty is being held as a hostage???

HIGH-larious!!! Right? That's why I always say thiefs/mafias/etc. are incredibly smart.

PS. I would do the same if I were at the position of that police officer. But, poor lady, she must feel offended...I know would (maybe not if I'm facing an Audi r8).



Why does it have to be only once a year (when you blow your candles on that birthday cake)...and it doesn't even come true??? I've been having the same wish for years, but nothing happened to it. Nobody up there hear me. Maybe it's time for me to stop counting on them and work it out myself. But, it's more comforting if you have someone or something to depend on. Isn't it?

Anyway, even if I start losing it, I still have a small parcel of hope and continue to make a wish everytime I have the chance to (maximize my chances), not just on my birthday. I believe I deserve more than what I have right now.


I Want To Know

I literally (not figuratively, literally...literally) despise new things (except tangible objects). That's because I'm scared of the unknown...not knowing what is behind the curtain/what will happen/what is waiting for me. Some people might like this feeling, the thrill caused by suspense, but I don't. I find it rather terrifying and it freaks the hell out of me.

This is the reason why I hated first day of school and continue to hate first day of work...new environment and new people. This also makes me a person with not much friends, not because I'm not approachable, I'm just not the kind to go all chatty with everyone. I actually hate all those fake-hypocrite-wanna-be-friendly talks.


Discovery Channel (Part III)

My mother could be a humorist.

Not long ago, I proved once again to have memory disorder...had a blank and had to run to my mother for help. My question for her was: in which state Los Angeles' situated? (now you understand how serious my problem is)

Her answer (full of confidence) to me was United States. For a moment I thought it was a joke...well...it is a joke.


What A Way To Kick-off 2011

That's a more-than-good start of year 2011 (for me that is)...guess I might have some luck this year. Let's just hope I didn't drain it all and may keep it going for a loooong long time. Wanna know why? Here, take a look of my fresh and positive start:
     - Nobody's mad at nobody...no more. (biggest relief)
     - Some personal (physical, psychological, social, etc.) problems solved
     - Being more honest with myself and with others (which makes me a mean person)
     - Not afraid anymore...just hold it, confront it and get it
     - Keeping an open spirit for critics and advices
     - Good series/movies (with my favorite artists, of course) are still airing and keep coming out

Oh! Goddess! Please keep bringing me good news!...Maybe successfully start my career (when I say career, I always refer to my work AND someone of the opposite sexe)?
Note: A career is completely different from a job. If you didn't know, do yourself a favor and search it in a dictionnary.

Your Boyfriend Is Coming

Kate Walsh's fragrance (Boyfriend) has a serie of 8 ads...the following one being my favorite. In fact, it's now listed in my All Time Favorite Ads.

This one feels different from other celebrity fragrances...the concept and idea behind it...is just cute (created when she missed her boyfriend's smell after their break-up). Awww!!! Tsk. Why on earth would a guy leave someone like her???

No further comments. This is just a continuation of my "Kate Walsh fever"

PS. Take a close look at her beautiful shoes...they're from Louboutin.


For the time spent searching for this song to finally find it on Youtube...Wow! It really got it all. Worth it.

Raymond (the taller one) might be better looking, but Wong Cho Lam (the other one, duh)'s got a stronger voice. ^_^ Me like.


HAWTTEST Woman With Ophthalmic Eyewear

Lots of people need ophthalmic eyewears for practical reasons, which is...NOT fun (based on my own experience). But, it is also when one wears glasses that we can put a stamp-of-approval about this person's hawwwttness.

Not clear on what I'm saying? Check out the first runner-up of my secret/private who's-the-hottest-woman-with-glasses contest. (I promise from the bottom of my heart that you'll never hear me calling her Fours Eyes)

The Queen/Goddess of Glasses: Dr. Addison Adrienne Forbes Montgomery-"Shepherd" (Kate Walsh in Grey's Anatomy and Private Practice)

What's not to like...I mean, a tall-blue-eye-red-head-doctor with glasses (perfect fit on the bridge of her nose)??? C'mon. No kidding. If I were a man, I'll definitely jump on her no matter what. Well, honestly, even if I'm a woman...I'm highly tempted (400 heart beats/minute is certainly a sign) by her gorgeous  stunning look.

Side note: you should take notice of her wardrobe in both series. *2 thumbs up* (wish I have more than 2 thumbs)


2011 Resolution

Each year, things tend not to work out as I planned...if I'm over-drowned by new not-achievable resolutions, which is sort of normal now that I think about it. So, this year I only have one and only one resolution...

Be a happy person by making other people happy.