
What A Way To Kick-off 2011

That's a more-than-good start of year 2011 (for me that is)...guess I might have some luck this year. Let's just hope I didn't drain it all and may keep it going for a loooong long time. Wanna know why? Here, take a look of my fresh and positive start:
     - Nobody's mad at nobody...no more. (biggest relief)
     - Some personal (physical, psychological, social, etc.) problems solved
     - Being more honest with myself and with others (which makes me a mean person)
     - Not afraid anymore...just hold it, confront it and get it
     - Keeping an open spirit for critics and advices
     - Good series/movies (with my favorite artists, of course) are still airing and keep coming out

Oh! Goddess! Please keep bringing me good news!...Maybe successfully start my career (when I say career, I always refer to my work AND someone of the opposite sexe)?
Note: A career is completely different from a job. If you didn't know, do yourself a favor and search it in a dictionnary.


  1. Shit, didn't even write mine this year >_>

  2. Wait, that comment should be for your resolution post.
