
HAWTTEST Woman With Ophthalmic Eyewear

Lots of people need ophthalmic eyewears for practical reasons, which is...NOT fun (based on my own experience). But, it is also when one wears glasses that we can put a stamp-of-approval about this person's hawwwttness.

Not clear on what I'm saying? Check out the first runner-up of my secret/private who's-the-hottest-woman-with-glasses contest. (I promise from the bottom of my heart that you'll never hear me calling her Fours Eyes)

The Queen/Goddess of Glasses: Dr. Addison Adrienne Forbes Montgomery-"Shepherd" (Kate Walsh in Grey's Anatomy and Private Practice)

What's not to like...I mean, a tall-blue-eye-red-head-doctor with glasses (perfect fit on the bridge of her nose)??? C'mon. No kidding. If I were a man, I'll definitely jump on her no matter what. Well, honestly, even if I'm a woman...I'm highly tempted (400 heart beats/minute is certainly a sign) by her gorgeous  stunning look.

Side note: you should take notice of her wardrobe in both series. *2 thumbs up* (wish I have more than 2 thumbs)

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