
Lecture Myself Out-Loud

Note: This may not concern you, it is just me lecturing myself and thinking publicly.

Who am I to criticize and judge other people?

I should stop that and find something more interesting to say. If not, well...y'know...I'll keep my mouth shut. I will try and do my best.

Anyway, it's not like if it hurts me to see weird people and comment on their weird behaviour. What does it matter, right? It is none of my business. If it bothers that much, I can simply deviate my sight elsewhere. I've acting like a bitch and critisize others, only because it's my way to describe what I see and my way to start a conversation.

Turn your back and let it go already!!! Hakuna Matata!!!

1 comment:

  1. Bah non, criticism is good, some people really need it XD

    And who are you? You are the daughter of god. Muwahahaha. Permission granted!
