
Be True To Yourself

...because no one else would. No one knows you more than you know yourself; and no one loves you more than you love yourself, thus no one will always tell you the whole truth.

If someone constantly gives you compliments or critics, maybe you're lucky and found a true friend, but most people have a reason in the back of their head for doing so. Either they want to praise you (earn your trust and take advantage of it), trash you (attack your self-estime and step on you to get to a higher status) or hide something from you (don't tell you everything and hope that you'll make a foul of yourself in front of people).

When people say: Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer. Not quite a bad idea. You don't know who might stab you and when...always be on guard and be wary of people around you.

Note: As you can see, I'm starting to lose confidence in people. It is as if we're not living in the same area nor consumming the same resources...I'm often misunderstood or not appreciated or underestimated. Why don't people focus on your strength instead of enlarging your weakness? To my defense, I have to say that I'm competent and the one person (if there's really one out there) who has an eye on that will be a wealthy one.

Truth has no expiry date!!! It is never too late to get a grip on that...don't lie to yourself, because other people are already doing it to you. In other words, do yourself a favor and fully live the only life you have to live.

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