
Will You Do It For A Good Cause?

That's right! I'm talking about shaving your head to support kids who were victims of cancer.

This ad I saw in the metro this morning...makes me wonder if I'm capable of doing anything for people who need my help. At the end of my reflexion...the answer might be a little deceiving.

I admit that there are things I’m willing to do for people who are in need…like donate money and do volunteer works. But, shave my head??? IT IS NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN. Not ready to sacrifice something I spend a fortune to maintain. So sorry!

1 comment:

  1. Lol. I doubt I'll do it, I like my hair a lot XD And to be honest, it's not like the fact that you shave your head magically heals a cancer patient, so what's the point... I'll just donate money, that's what they really need...
