
Thief Material

Do I have high potentiels to be a thief??? Maybe...

Yesterday, I went to Sunglass Hut with a friend, wanting to try some sunglasses on and possibly buy meself a pair of surprisingly-not-that-expensive Burberry shield. At first, the fatso was very polite. She asked how we were doing eventhough there were lots of clients to serve. Minutes later, a group of people left...leaving a couple and us 2 in the store. I do agree that a little order and cleaning was needed. At that time, the gigantic-space-waster (see, that's another of Dumbo's ugly sisters) realised that 4-5 pairs were missing from the display. Automatically, her best instinct told her to come towards us (more than the other couple) to ask if by any chance we misplaced those "missing" sunglasses. Being someone with manners, we followed her to the shelf...and with a questioning/interrogatory voice, she pointed at those empty spots and expected an explanation from us.

WOW!!! Common sense, is not that common anymore to everyone, is it? I mean, if your job's here to watch the floor, you're suppose to know that we never touched that part, because it's a no name section. I was more interested/attracted to the Burberry section beside it. Plus, the other spot she was pointing at with her *ninja-chop* hateable finger...was clearly out of reach for someone of my height. Moreover, if my main intention was to steal...wouldn't I go for something more expensive (like Chanel, Bvlgary, Versace, Prada, etc) rather than an unknown brand?

The most important and winning point: if I have the talent to steal not 1-2 pairs, but 4-5 pairs without you noticing a thing...well too bad for you, because I must be a professional.

I mean, what's wrong with you? Have you taken your daily medicine? Do we look like thieves to you? I admit that I wasn't at my best, but certainly not trashy enough for you to accuse me of stealing. *moment of silence* Mmmm...maybe we don't look like thieves, that's why she suspected us first (based on the logic that serial killers don't always look like one and thus, same thing for shoplifters)? That's an interesting question, maybe I should go back to the store to confirm my saying.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, we look like dangerous criminals, u didn't know? Lol, epic fail on her part, seriously.
