
Dumbo's Sibblings

Jeeezus Krys!!! This is not normal. Dumbo's family's getting bigger and bigger...it's an invasion...a conspiracy. It's going to be the end of the world before 2012.

Don't get me wrong. I have nothing against Dumbo. I find him extremely cute/adorable/lovely. The ones I utterly hate are his ugly brothers and sisters. Oh! Maybe they're not blood related? Like Cinderella and her 2 inhumanly ugly sisters.

Let me explain myself. His relatives (figuratively speaking) are all unbelievably fat and ugly and dumb (like the name says) and rude. If you get the chance to bump into one on the street, you'll know. They're easily recognizable. I'm working with those creatures everyday (see my pain, now)...speaking of which, there's one sitting near me right now. It's funny how they all end up in the same field.

Those people:
- It's all non-sense each time they open their mouth. No common sense what-so-ever.
- Literally think they're the most important only because they physically take more space.
- Believe to be the best without knowing that they're just a grain of dust.
- Have a brain that's not even the size of a bird's. (I'm being generous here)
- Don't read or don't understand what they read.
- Lots of grammar mistakes...it's your mother language for God sake.
- Courtesy is not something in their dictionary.

Conclusion: It's not healthy for me to be around them. I'm afraid it's contageous and one day or the other i'll become one of them...it's a matter of time. I need to find a way to save myself.

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