

Everyone thinks I'm a happy person because I always smile in front of people. But, no one will ever know the other me when I'm all alone in my bed. During the night, when people sleep, I am awake thinking about so much things that I have difficulties entering in deep sleep. Other times I worry about things which will make me get horrible dreams. These days, I continuously see those 2 women (keep this anonymous before other troubles come after me) and hear their voices in my NIGHTMARES. The same scene keeps poping up. I'm so tired and want to move on, but in my subconscious it is bothering me big time. They are literaly haunting my soul. Anyhow, I'm just not the kind of person who will go and tell my problems to everyone...I prefer to keep it to myself.

而家先唎做三失中女,你話死唔死?!? 不過我唔會吟容易比佢一嘢就打沉嘅!

Note: A friend of mine criticized me for my own good and it's 100% true what he said. He pointed out how most of the time I'm being negative and always complaining...while I should be more positive, then maybe I will have more friends. Thus, from now on, I decide to make a great effort to change that bad habit and think positively in each and every situation.

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