
Hire Me

Hate to say this, but I changed job only by the end of April 2011 (yes, 3½ months ago) and already feel the urge to change again.

Why? What are my reasons? Well...no reason, just have the desire to go through all the sending out CVs and interviews trouble. Seriously!?! Because I AM UNHAPPY with what I'm doing. I want something more *searching for my word* active/not sitting on my ass all day and with a stable schedule (no starting in the afternoon, no night shifts, no weekends).

So, all this just to say that if you find something interesting (*) and think it might do me some goods/I'll like it/could be my career...let me know.

(*) Please. No more telephones, nothing related to food, and no customer services/sales.

Note: I am not regretting for having changed job, because if I never did, I would never have known that I won't like it. I prefer to take a chance and try something rather than not trying and regret for not trying. Does that make sense?

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