
Make Yourself Count: Vote Best Clothing

Which look should I get???

Personally I HEART them all...their remarkably glamorous physical appearance, which caught my eyes from the first sight, do come from the charm of each of their character. You should know what I'm talking about if you saw the series (they might not be equally good, but it is worth it to just watch my beloved actresses play their role outstandingly).

From left to right (in no particular order for their style...although I have certain preferences for the ladies, but no...they're not placed in that order either):
    1-Yoyo Mung 蒙嘉慧 as 麥一敏/Mandy (Only You 只有您)
    2-Maggie Cheung 張可頤 as 沙宛淇/Jackie (女人最痛)
    3-Elena Kong 江美儀 as 洪珊瑚/Angela Auntie (女人最痛)
    4-Joyce Tang 滕麗名 as 錢滔滔/Toni (桌球天王)
    5-Christine Ng 伍詠薇 as 葉滿枝/Stella (緣來自有機)

Side note: *in a firm tone* I do prefer women with tough/strong character and hate those I-am-weak-and-need-to-be-protected women.

PS: I know that they're beautiful, but please concentrate on their clothing style.

1 comment:

  1. 1- Easiest look to emulate. Something thin inside with a blazer on top. Tu px faire ca la, think of all the blazers u bought till now XD

    2- Errr...it's just a coat she's wearing, c tres generique tu sais...it's like #1 but instead of a thinner outer, you wear a nice form-fitting coat.

    3- Fancier, you'll have to spend money and buy more blouses...

    4- C ton style habituel kan t'achetes les sleeveless tops plus fancy la, lol.

    5- Most feminine look in the list. You need a drastic wardrobe change for this one.

    1 to 4 sont doable sans "trop" de difficulte, I'd say and they're all similar styles. Genre u can combine 1 avec 4, etc (sleeveless ruffle/bow top with a blazer).

    Fo juste arreter de porter tout ce ki fait sportswear brands and casual young ppl brands (Joshua, AE, etc)...
