

What am I doing still sitting on this not-comfortable chair...which clearly doesn't belong to me??? This is not my place. I am not suppose to be here. I have no reason to be here.

How do I know that for sure? *chuckles* Believe me, you'll know it too if you were living under my skin. Seriously. I know because I'm not happy AT ALL...it is definitely not right if I literally refuse to get out of my bed to go to work. I need to do something...*searching for the word*...which I'm passionate about. I need that "flame" to keep me going. I'm not a robot in any ways...can't function well under a pile of strict rules...someone pulling out a ruler ready to spank you whenever you do a human mistake. I need to find something more creative and colorful (eventhough I only like black, white and red) to paint my life.

Lesson learnt: Prestige (the name of where you work) is nothing more important than happiness.

Can't even remember for how long I haven't put a sincere smile on my face.

Pleaz! Revive me! Tell me what I should do and where I should go! Any brilliant suggestions?


  1. The job doctor6/20/2011 06:53:00 PM

    Uno, start by naming 10 things that are part of usally everyjob (atmosphere, location, hours spend at work, field, outdoor, social activities...) and assign a number of priority to each criterea. Then, you'll have a better idea what you want as a job.

    Dos, search for a new job having those criteras in mind. If you don't find anything good think of a job that you'd fulfill your most important criteras and if needed go back to school to work in that field.

    Tres, be happy.

    BTW, tu es peut-être en dépression... mais qui ne le serais pas après avoir passé autant de temps sans me voir!!!

  2. ...I'll just hire you as soon as I can, lol.
