
Upcoming Movies (2011)

Within those announced movies to be out in 2011...there sure have lots of sequels.

Worth the wait: Green Lantern, Saw VIII (isn't Saw VII suppose to be the last? My premonition's right. Muwahahah), Mortal Kombat 3, Scream 4, Puss In Boots, GI Joe 2, Underworld 4, Kung Fu Panda 2, 3 Musketeers, Just Go With It, Night at the Museum 3, Wimpy Kid 2, Wolverine 2, and X-Men First Class.

Questionables: Monopoly, Smurfs, Reboot, Alien Prequel, 11-11-11 (LOL why did I at some point see this coming too), Silent Hill 2, Final Destination 5, Terminator 5, Kick Ass 2, and Marvin the Martian.

Waste of time: Last Airbender 2 (will certainly be the biggest joke of the year).


  1. Questionnable: Silent hill 2??? Seriously??? It's going to be amazing!!!

    You forgot Thor and Captain America.

    Ghosbusters 3, Transformers 3 and Ghost Rider 2 might be good.

    What a year....

  2. Still can't believe Sienna and Chris aren't gonna be in the GI Joe sequel -__-
