
Yo No Comprendo

Life is so complex that it's perfectly normal if a simple human being like myself don't find an explanation to all. But...

Most recently, multiple things are tormenting the little quietly-sleeping meat trapped between my ears. Siiiiiigh! I hope to have the freedom to tell you everything in detail, but I might get into trouble (like last year) if I do. [Have no clue why I can't talk about my life in my personal space. *exhales of desperation* Not like if I'm lying or accusing others of things they haven't done. Tsk! My suggestion to you, don't do anything you don't want people to talk about.] So, I'll try to be brief and subtle.

    How can I possibly go to work if I'm on vacation (the one you personally approved)? Either you don't do your job correctly or you're a complete idiot who don't deserve to get paid.

    I'm scheduled to start at 0630 and you call me at 0600 hoping I'm still home so you can ask me to start at 0730 instead? Is this a joke? Even if I'm not already out of the house, I would be already up, so what's your point? Pffff!!! And the moment I got there (at 0615), you tell me to stick around till 0730 to start working? Well~ Let me give you two words. No way. Certainly not after the attitude you showed.

    Why can't I read or go on the internet if there are absolutely nothing for me to do? Anyway, I was just reading articles related to the job...getting myself familiar with some vocabularies. But, no~ You'd rather have me staring on the walls and ceiling, looking like an idiot.

    It is not reasonable to take for granted that a person is under our constant care (to the point that if we go on vacation, you'd think we're unresponsable people to leave that person alone), only because this person is living under our roof. This person, is also closely related to you...maybe even closer to you than me. I consider myself very generous to offer food and shelter to this person, unlike you who will only come visit once a year or won't even call.

Jeeez!!! I think it's time for me to stop right here, before I turn psychotic and start stabbing people in the eyes with a pen.

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