
Techniciens Irony

A so-to-call-himself-"technicien" wanted to test accessibilities of different cellphone models to a certain website.
Here are (just to name a few) mistakes/stupidities he’d made:
     1. Looking at my cellphone and asked for the model number – can’t you just refer to him with his name??? Stop insulting him. He’s not a prisonner…he’s even more valuable than you. So…call him by his name…it’s Viewty…LG Viewty. tsk.
     2. Didn’t even ask if I have a data plan…if I accept to do the test…it’ll easily cost me an arm…maybe a leg too. *double tsk* Not that you’re going to pay me back for the fees.
(Told him that it’s not necessary to test it…no one else (certainly not those technology-retarded people) have this phone in Montreal anyway. Pffff!!! Worthless.)
     3. "Then, where did you get your phone?" was the big question after my statement. O_O Well…there’s something call IM.POR.TA.TION.
     4. He didn’t understand how I can use imported phones where to unlock – there’s also something call UN.LOCK. *sigh*
     5. He was also wondering why Telus have a 25$ fees each time he changes his phone (like once in 5 years) – it’s account tranfer fee for those who don’t have a sim card.
     6. Sim card??? – OMMOMOMOMO. He didn’t know that GSM phones have a sim card slot (that is the reason why Fido and Rogers don’t have account trasfer fee like Telus and Bell do). *mockering laugh* Moreover, Telus and Bell are also implanting the Sim card.
I do wonder if he knows that my chérie Viewty is a smartphone and not one of those soon-to-be extinct dinosaur.

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