

Living species with flesh and blood (like me) can not say Forever/Always/Never. Those words are too strong for one to be responsible…unless you’re cold blooded…then you’re part of the exception. Tsk.
That’s right!!! It is of GREAT responsability to say…you are my best friend forever…I will always love you…I will always be by your side…I will never buy this…I will never do that…(and anything else you can think of…my brain is just off right now)
Why this theory??? Well…think about it, seriously. The world evolve…you change…things get better or worst…SO…there are probabilities that your taste/way of thinking/need would deviate. Don’t you agree??? (don’t care about your answer…I do agree with myself *chuckles*)
If you employ those words without meaning it AND respecting it…you are basically lying. o_o It is also a lie if you mean it the moment you say it…but break the "say" later. O_O Mouwahahahah!!! Lots of people are lying E.VE.RY.DAY.
Example: At your wedding day…you have to write/prepare and read a vow. To make it sound good and sweet…you’ll obviously say "I will love you forever till death do us part." *gasp* What about all those divorces??? A.HA!!! Finally, it isn’t bullshit what I thought. ^_^

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