Saturday, August 11, 2012
No. I am not talking about golf. Hmmm! Am I? No~
Had the sudden desire to have another ear piercing. (Was thinking either a tragus, daith or conch) So, spontaneously went to get one with HSK.
First, we went to Ardene (apparently, they are the most reliable in Canada), chose the surgical earring (plastic with light blue stone, in case my sensitive skin gets infection), and paid (20$ per person). Next step would be to decide where the earring should be. As a chicken, I let HSK go first. She had hers on the right helix and didn't even blink her eyes when it got done. Me? Forget it. So troublesome. The girl can't do on the conch, because they are only specialized in the outer part of the ear which could be done with the gun. But, every part inside the ear, because there are bones and nerves, she'd rather not touch and anyway she doesn't have the right instruments (needles) to do it. Aaaargh! What to do? I already paid and can't be reimbursed. Well, ended up having it done on the auricle. Orz
HSK's new piercing on the helix. |
But.......where I really wanted it to be is on the conch!!! Ayayaaa!!! I guess my ear was already in pain, so might as well go to the right place and have it done. Right?
Then, the two of us went to Adrenaline. Signed the waiver, paid 80$ (35$ for the piercing, 30$ for the surgical steel 14g earring + tips) and got ready on the chair. *sweat of panic* You should have seen the size of a 14 GAUGE. IT.IS.EFFING.HUGE. Holding on to the arm of the chair, block my breathing to stay steady and think of something other than the pain...TADAAA the hole is there! Euh...but the earring has to be put in the hole. Sheiza!!!
I was literally crying on that chair. |
Anyway, I toughed through it. *applauds*
Here's how my ears look righ now.
Left (the picture above): 3 on the lobe, 1 on the conch and 1 on the auricle.
Right: 3 on the lobe (like on the left) and 1 on the helix (like HSK's).
What do you think? Y'like? Personally, I think I met my quota, so no more piercing even if I really like it on the tragus. May like a lot, but can't get all. Afterall, I want to stay cute with my own style (as people say) whether than turning trashy with too many piercings.
Note: I'm still in pain and afraid it'll get infected. Sigh! I guess women would just do anything, run into any trouble, to be pretty. There's no price to beauty.
Note 2: I've also always wanted to have a tattoo (a pair of phoenix wings on the lower back, stars on the neck at the back of the ear or a maoiri design on the side of hand), but in order to stay classy, I'm letting that idea go.