
Foretaste of Beijing

I'm very excited to visit Beijing...the Forbidden City and Great Wall, etc. WOW!!! I'm wondering why I love those places that much? Maybe one of my long-time-ago lifes happened there? Who knows. Maybe I was even the Empress 武則天. *evil laugh* (think of Scar in Lion King) Muwahahahah!!!

Anyway. Remember how I was happy to learn that Kelly Hu is spending 3 months there to take mandarin classes? Well, looks like (with a 68 font size "I") I'll be there at the same time. HouRAY!!! She posted some of her interesting and hilarious anecdotes on her blog. This can certainly give me an idea and some tips on going to China. Take a look at what she wrote:

Just arrived in China yesterday morning.  Got my apartment all scrubbed up and set up in one day.  Let me tell you, it wasn't an easy job.  The Chinese idea of cleanliness is something I just can't get used to.  For example, I have little dogs on my floor which I thought I would love since I miss Mushu, right?  Well, the dogs are sweet enough but the owners think it's okay to let the dogs out everyday to do their business on the hallway floors!  I mean, WTF!?!  There's pee and poop right in the hallways.  I have to make sure I remember to look down before I step out of the apartment from now on.  Might be hard to remember with all the jet lag and morning classes.

On the subway home from class today, a young woman found the need to talk to me in Chinese.  She was using a hushed tone and I couldn't understand what she was saying but she kept pointing to her chest and my chest.  I finally figured out she was letting me know that my top button of my shirt was undone.  I left it like that on purpose.  Nothing falling out or anything, just your average low cut V neck, but then I remembered a guy staring at my chest in the elevator.  On the walk home I realized that women here have very small breasts and tend to keep them well tucked away.  No wonder people here are infatuated with my enormous B-cups.  Well the beautiful weather will start going away and I'll be covering them up soon enough.  Until then, let the Chinese men enjoy.


Day 3 in Beijing started on my own catching the subway to my Mandarin class.  This time I was more conservatively dressed but I still stuck out like a sore thumb.  I think I'm just much rock-n-roll for Beijing.  Funny, I feel so tough compare to all the women here with my buckled boots and leather jacket.  In New York I feel like a wimp.  Small chance I'll be getting mugged here.

Figured out something very important today.  The subway map I downloaded from the internet before leaving LA is out of date.  Of course, the subway line I'm on has been completely revamped.  Thank goodness I remembered my guide, Mable, telling me in passing on day 1 that the subway station looks so new because it's only about a year old.  Unfortunately there are no new maps available at the subways station, so I spent the time on the subway jotting down all the differences, looking like a complete foreigner, once again.  After all of that, I realized I had my camera with me and I could simply take a photo, duh.


Found a Wal-Mart here in Beijing.  Woo Hoo.  And Guess what!  They even sell live turtles!  Unfortunately not as pets but rather to eat.  Yuck.

Took my first cab ride today.  It was peak hour so cabs where super scarce.  Took me all of an hour just to get one!  I kept stopping caucasian people to ask, first, if they spoke English (all of them did) and then, asked their advice on catching a cab.  One guy told me  to go to a hotel to find one.  I asked what I should tip the doorman for getting me a cab and he said people don't tip here in China.  I love that!  The idea of tipping drives me crazy sometimes.  I love a society where you don't have to think about that.  Of course, I did end up tipping the door-person when she got me a cab anyway.  Just didn't feel right to leave without doing it.


Watched some international ping pong tournament on tv today.  It's amazing how interesting ping pong can be when you don't have anything else to watch in your language.  People take their ping pong very seriously here.  I wonder if ping pong athletes in China get lots of ass like professional athletes in America?
Got this thing to make my internet stronger today and all of a sudden a whole bunch of backlogged email came pouring in from the past few days.  I was wondering why I wasn't getting responses from people.  Thought nobody loved me.  Missed some pretty important email's, too, including one from my agent saying they want me for another episode of Hawaii 5-0!  Guess I'll be jumping on a plane  next week to Hawaii.  Of course, just when I feel like I'm getting settled here and things are getting really good I have to leave.  But I'll be back right after I'm done.  Sooooo much more of Beijing to discover!
OMG. Remind me that I have to update my blog too, while I'm there.


The X Factor Season 7 Auditions

I'm a little behind schedule...just finished watching The X Factor's season 7 auditions. It is so far so good. Some of them really have potentiels...nice swagger, strong voice, and good looking.

But as usual, I have greater moments enjoying the bads by laughing myself out. I mean...how can those people not hear themselves and realise how bad they are? Why on earth can't their family and/or friends tell them, instead of let them humiliate themselves in front of thousands of people AND (most important of all) torture the audience? What did we do to merit that???

Anyway, at the end, I still have to admit that I can accept bad singing people as long as you have a great attitude and seem to enjoy yourself. But...

This is PHE-NO-ME-NAL/UN-BE-LIE-VA-BLE/LE-GEN-DA-RY. Call me small potato or whatever you like, but I've never seen something similar before.

Ear Dropping

I don't know if people are concern that it is not quite polite to ear drop. Yes!!! OKAYYY!!! Fine!!! I confess that I like to do that when I'm bored in public transports, restaurants, or bathrooms. (at least I'm being honest, right?) But I didn't know that one will actually give her own comments out of nowhere to some strangers. *chuckles* Can you be more obvious about it? It's literally telling everyone else that you're listening to their conversation and don't have a functional brain to shut your mouth or at the very least say something which makes sense.

Where do those people come from??? Was I having the same education as they have? I'm starting to fear the future.


Birth Of A New Blog

This blog came to life after the death of it's 3 siblings.

I voluntarily killed the oldest *ashamed*, the second was stolen by an unknown jerk, and the third one will be terminated by Live Spaces. *sob* I hope this little baby will stay with me for the rest of my life.

It took me ~10 hours to import all memories from others to this one (still not done and not to mention that I can't import comments from previous posts). What's left??? Try to put back my photo albums and lists. Ohlala!!! My eyes burn, my back hurts and I can't feel my fingers anymore.

I’m Alive

Just feel that I have to write something to keep my page alive. (even if it’s not significant) Isn’t it funny how I’m suppose to be doing more activities and go out more often during summer time, but have less to share? Siiiigh!!! Guess I’m just spending my time on intensive tv series watching.

A whole day of churh visiting in Quebec City with aunty and cousin from HK. Thank Goddess it didn’t rain a drop. *claps* Photos should follow, the moment my not-too-fast-working aunt decides to send them to me.
For supper, after long non-decisive discussions, we finally went to Europea (one of those classy retaurants I’ve always wanted to try). It has a keuwl interior design, nice waiters, great concept and good food presentation. Anyway, all this just to say that everything’s a sugar to my eyes, but when it comes to taste…it can’t be compared to Cavalli.

Hope to have the opportunity to try more exotic/special restaurants. Lets save some $$$.

You Think You’re Smart??? (Part VII)

Why can’t all Countries be on the same region and use the same voltage???

Now I’m FORCED to buy a region-free bluray player and an universal AC adapter converter.

8.31 Incident

The month of August ended in disaster/catastrophee…not the way I would wanted.

Long story short: I had some tensions with a close friend of mine because of some ridiculous incidents and people.

Long story long: If we trace back the origin of the problem…it all started with the Visa.

To be able to get into China, we have to get a Visa (I hope you know that) and thus my kind aunt went all the way to Ottawa in order to save everybody some $$$. The glitch here is that she won’t be able to go to Ottawa herself to pick them up. What was her solution? Give the receipt to a friend, also a high school friend of mine (who happens to work in that deserted city), so this person can bring them back to Montreal when she’ll be back (on Friday night) for the weekend. Do not think that this plan is working in splendor. The little complication is the fact that my friend wants to go to Vermont with her Honey Bear (leaving Friday afternoon), which requires a passport (I hope you know that too)
to get through the US boundary.

This wouldn’t be such a big deal if my aunt’s friend/my high school friend have nothing better to do than go to the Embassy, pick up our passports and post them back. But…life isn’t always going as well as we wish it will. Worst case scenario…my close friend will have to go to Ottawa and pick them up.

Looking from another angle, it is completely understandable if that Ottawa friend refuses to do it, because it means that she has to spend her lunch/personal time to do us a favor. I was surprised that she ended up accepting the demand. Muuucho gracias!!!

My close friend and I had an argument on that, because she was so frustrated that she said not wanting to go to our trip anymore. At first, I was on my nerves too, because I did everything I could, trying to make things work…and all I get in return was dissatisfaction. After a moment for meself to calm down and think over the situation (put myself in my friend’s position), I can understand why and how important this is to her. I kindly apologized for being a little rude over the phone…and things are back to their initial state. *strongly hope*

Ha! That’s not all. Don’t you dare think that it is over. There’s a part 2 to my miserable journey.

We have to also book flight tickets (for a small group of 6 people) to go from Shanghai to Hong Kong. The website was malfunctionning:
  • It keeps saying "your session has expired" at every 2 minutes
  • It indicates Sold Out after me booking for 3 tickets -_-’ What am I suppose to do? Have the others take the following flight? Nonsense.
  • Called the help line (stayed on the phone for ~50minutes) and had a hard time understanding his accent (at least he’s kind)
  • Finally found out that there are places left…just not shown on the site. WTH!!!
  • That representant tried to put the total on MY Credit Card *exhales* Do I look like I have enough $$$ to pay for 6 tickets???
  • Received an email with only our names…no total and no detail
  • Sent an email back to ask for a proper receipt and when we’ll be receiving our etickets…still waiting for an answer
Did I tell you how much I *with a dictator’s voice* HATE waiting and knowing that someone’s mad at me??? Well...

You Think You’re Smart??? (Part VI)

(read it somewhere on a website) Here’s an interesting question for YOU…smart arse.

If drinking and driving is illegal…why do bars have parking spaces???

Discovery Channel (Part II)

*Dilemma and troubled emotions* Aaaargh!!! I really don’t understand what is going on in my life these days. (maybe loneliness and jealousy makes me feel left out/abandonned) I think negative vibes and dark grey clouds are still following me, whether I like it or not. feel "lost" or intimitated by a situation/someone…take a step back and you’ll have a better view of the picture.

What to do in these circumstances:
Suggestion 1: It is not or nearly not possible to think objectively when you are too close to the problem. Thus, when you
Suggestion 2: Also, do not trust everything you hear from others…only rely on your own eyes and ears.

Suggestion 3: As long as you feel that you did the right thing, you have nothing to worry. God (and I mean the REAL one) will know. Good people will have good karma and bad people will have bad karma. Let God do his job and take care of it.

Suggestion 4: Love from family members, friends, and the "other half" cannot be weighted. It is never fair…the give and get relation is not proportionned. If you start counting…it is not love anymore, but business. Love can’t be bought nor sold.

Conclusion: No one will forever be by your side. If they want to leave…let them go. If you try to stuggle too much, the person who gets hurt at the end will be no one else but yourself. This is why you have to be thankful to have each other while you still do.


My uncertain/unsecure behaviour just hurt an innocent person. *feeling guilty*
It is totally understandable if this person is mad and choose not to forgive what I did. (stop interrupting with your questions…I am not going to tell you what kind of crime I perpetrated) But, my "Monica" instinct say the opposite…can’t stand to know that someone’s frustrated against me. I want to do something to make things right…but not this time…I will just let Time fulfill its healing job.
Lesson 1: I better start coordinating my brain and heart…and not over-think.
Lesson 2: It is time to stop trying too hard to find Mr. Right. I believe Faith will perform its magical trick -  find me a comfortable shoulder to lean on and not let me die alone (which I honestly don’t really mind, because I’m starting to learn how to have some quality time with myself and realize how free this is).

Here I Am

Extreeeeme MAKEOVER. I’m turning myself into a completely new person…positive thoughts…less complaints.
There are no good-enough reasons to grow massive angers and worries in my little body for insignificant little things…it might just kill me faster or make me a psycho. It is not worth it.
I know I know. This might be the hundredth time you hear me say this…but this time is for good. There are nothing more important than me being healthy. Well…there’s always my family. Tsk.
*a word to myself* Just don’t take everything for granted and earn it. From now on…do whatever it takes to get whatever you want. (ex: kick out people who try to stand on your way) Everything will be under control. Ganbatte!!!


How is it possible that hippopotamus, reptiles, elephants, dinasaurs…all get a partner, but me???
Maybe my marital status is by default set to single and anchored/sealed with no possibility of changing it?
I’d love to have the feeling of love and being loved at least once before I reach my death bed.
Idea: If I still don’t have one by the age of 35 (which would be sad for me)…I will give up and have a Boston Terrier be my partner for the rest of my lifetime. Just Breathe…and everything will be fine.
寧可不嫁, 不可下嫁
See? Nothing to be sad about. I have my own life theories and I’m sticking with them – no deviation allowed.

X-Men & Heroes

I’m starting to think that I still have the fantasy to want super powers and do something incredible. (completely brain washed by X-Men and Heroes)
If I want a gift from God…I would LOOOVE telekinesis. (like Jean Grey/Dark Phoenix…my favorite comic character) *dance of joy*  It is a useful skill for everyday tasks…not as weak as Magneto who can only move metals…not as freak as having a second self in the same body…not as useless as detecting the level of other mutants…etc.
Do I watch too much of those sci-fi movies and series??? I don’t think so. In my opinion…it’s always good to dream about something either realistic or surreal. *wink*

Discovery Channel (Part I)

Today, the host of this new blog-post serie will bring you to the OUTER woooorld~ (it’s not as fascinating and spooky as it may sound…but you’ll definitely learn some facts that were all along around you, but just didn’t notice the excistance of it) 
As the first post of this serie – the BIG question is…what kind of people will call others on work-related subjects during:
    • Weekends (Friday night, Saturday and Sunday)
    • Very early in the morning
    • Very late at night (after 2300 is late for me)
    • When they clearly know that you’re busy
    • Even if you told them that you’re eating supper
    • etc.
You have to be a complete idiot not to understand that I’m busy if I’m not picking up the phone AND keep calling back even if I carefully take the time to answer the phone and tell you that I will callback after dinner.
You have to be the biggest incompetent on earth to not know what your tasks are, how to accomplish them (especially if you’re the event coordinator/boss) and delegate everything to others.

After Death

What exactly happens to dead people??? Do they…
A. Reincarnate
B. Go to Heaven or Hell
C. The soul float in the air having nowhere to go
D. Just rot under the earth or stay in a jar
You want to know my answer? Well…since there are no scientific proof or justified saying. I’m the down-to-earth type of person, so…I’ll go with D. BUT, I also tend to prevent the worst = going to Hell or reincarnate as a reptile…that’s why I am generally nice to people. I expect to be a human being again in my next life or go to Heaven. Have to say/admit that Heaven is better…no need to work my ass out to gain a life.

The Last Airbender

For my comments, I invite you to follow this link: http://hotoldmen.blogspot.com/2010/07/why.html…it already says everything I have to say. Maybe add the fact that the Script is RUBBISH. Even myself can write something better than that. Why the bloody hell does he have more success than me???

Everything Become Official

It is official that…I’m leaving for Asia (Shanghai, Hong Kong, Korea and Beijing…in their respective order) from October 5th to November 1st. Flight tickets and tour fees are already paid…still have to take care of visa (double entry) and insurance.
It is official that…I’m the only single one left. All my friends found their partner. Can I be lonelier than now??? I’m starting to regret for being too difficult…but isn’t being difficult now better than choosing the wrong person? And NOOO…I refuse to randomly grab someone on the street and have that stranger be my half.
It is official that…I’m disappointed on that FIFA 2010 South Africa World Cup. It is already extremely wrong to have Spain win over Germany…now they get the world cup??? *Aladdin’s melody playing in the background* Unbelievable sights…indescribable feelings. Since when do they get that far in a World Cup anyway???
It is official that…I need to start doing exercises or eating diet if I don’t want to become a whale.

What Can I Do!?!

My mother is going on a one week trip to North-East Canada…leaving this saturday. And the spoiled me just realized how miserable I would be without my darling.
Who will answer me whenever I shout "mamaaaa"???
Who will kill spiders for me when I’m deadly frightened???
Who will do my laundry???
Who will pour me a glass of water in the morning???
Who will prepare my lunch???
Who will do the dishes???
Who will scratch my back when I’m watching a movie???
Who will open the door when I arrive home???
Who will be there to give me hug when I feel lonely???
And this mean little one is thinking about going to Shanghai for 2 weeks in October. Nooo. I can’t accept that. How can she do this to me? What is wrong with her?
Conclusion: It is true that you have to miss someone to notice the importance of their role in your life.

What Is Going On???

It’s been a looong time since the last time I wrote…feel the obligation to post an update. XD
Helping out at the Dragon Boat office…because a certain person cut my hours trying to push me to quit (not very ethical but that person still did and continue to do). Oh!!! And lets not forget to mention that it has to happen exactly at the same time when Nora needs to work more and save $$$ for her long-planned trip to Asia. Okay. Put aside the travel aspect…she even has difficulty covering her everyday expenses (public transportation fees, telephone bill, and rent); thus, have to cut on shopping, food, and activities.
Watching football games once in a while…specifically only when my team (Germany) is playing or when it might be an interesting match. So far so good. European teams are quite disappointing…or should I say those referees are blind? Still can’t believe Italy and France didn’t go through round 1. TSSSK.
Re-watching some of Stephen Chow’s old movies and re-notice Chingmy Yau Suk-Ching 邱淑貞 (I don’t consider her as beautiful, but cute). That little lucky one had the chance to starred alongside lots of well-knowned celebrities, such as Stephen Chow, Chow Yun-Fat, Jackie Chan, Jet Li, Tony Leung, Maggie Cheung, Cheung Man, etc. Back in 1999, she married a super rich HK designer…have 2 daughters…don’t have to work anymore. What an envyable life.
Went to St-Sauveur’s manufacture outlet on St-Jean and papa bought me some stuffs out of pity.
Went to Cavalli to celebrate my aunt’s birthday. Une chance que l’addition n’était pas destinée à moi.
Need I repeat myself. I am struggling financially. Help if you can…find me a well payed job or give me money or give me some chance to win the lottery or send me some positive vibes (moral support).

Guess Who

Just the moment I thought I know myself from the inside out…it turns out to be only a tip of the iceberg. I can assure you that there’s nothing worst than not truly know thyself.
At least I admit that I’m not a girlfriend material…but certainly will be an exceptional housewife. Btw, is there a way to skip a step in the process?
Appreciate to have several close friends than a whole army of useless people.
Not very outgoing.
Don’t know how to hold a long conversation (especially with a boss), because I don’t know how to speak non-sense and be hypocrite/fake.
Will not/NEVER be able to accept my physical traits to go south.
Why am I suddenly questionning and doubting myself? Actually, the real question is…why am I ALWAYS inferior to my sister??? She has everything I have or maybe even more, but certainly not less…she’s successful in everything she does…always has a better performence compared to me…etc.
I’m a total mess. What is wrong with me? Is it really me or the genes (this probability is quite low) or the society which can’t recognize my talent?
I have to figure something out or get some luck (can I borrow (maybe stealing is better, I don’t want to give them back) some from V…she definitely has too much) if I don’t want to live in my sister’s shadow for the remaining years of my existence.

UK Shows

Lately…I’ve been acro-maniac of UK shows…talking specifically about The X Factor and Britain’s Got Talent.
Some of the acts are just fabulous…fantastic…jaw-droppingly outstanding…electrifying…wonderful…marvelous…phenomenal…astonishing…etc. *running-out of positive adjectives* On the other hand, some of them are utterly horrifying…rubbish…an absolute waste of time…atrocious…outrageous…etc.
But, honestly, in either case, I find it quite amusing and entertaining. It is maybe due to the fact that I LOVE all judges comments…espacially Simon, who definitely got his own charm with his direct-not-give-a-damn-about-your-feelings comments.

Cheryl Cole

Yes. CHERYL COLE…not Sheryl Crow. Siiigh!!! Why people have to make that mistake???
The most horrible-awful-unforgivable error…is the SA from HMV who had the guts to say that maybe the singer I’m looking for is in fact Sheryl Crow…or I misspelled her name…and ended by saying that such a person doesn’t exist. What the heck? Are you stupid dumb or what? If you are…then maybe you shouldn’t be working at HMV or any other places to insult others (I do feel offended when people question/judge my taste).
How can you not know this beautiful talented lady?
Hint: She’s one of the judges and mentors from X Factor…along with Simon Cowell, Dannii Minogue and Louis Walsch.

MCCS Graduation

Yesterday, I was to host the Montreal Catholic Chinese School graduation ceremony…here is what happened:
  • First thing in the morning was big time yelling by the stressed-menopause director
  • They didn’t give me my special award (which I’m proud of) publicly…because the guest didn’t show her face (the dumb-retarded woman went to the wrong place)
  • My introduction was a little crumbled due to nervousness…it went genuinely well afterward
  • Got more positive feedbacks (wouldn’t go into details…but if you insist on knowing…you can always call me) than my partner *thumbs up*
  • Went shopping with some girlfriends (a random one just tagged along and kept saying how shopaholic we girls are)
  • The supper was good but expensive (560$ for 16 people) for poor students like us…especially if some of them keep saying that they don’t have any cash
  • Some people didn’t contribute enough/at all (effortly and/or monetary)
  • A walk and lots of laughters at the Old Port (another random one tagged herself along and kept talking about her not-so-handsome idols)
To be honest…I enjoyed my day and actually had LOTS of fun. Hope I’ll have the chance to see them again. I’m gonna MIIIISS them for sure. *tears running down my cheeks from the corner of my eyes*

Hunger For Fame/Success

As the title states…I want to be famous and successful (if not too exagerated…also add brilliant and radiant).
First thing first…have to start by bringing my lazy ass out there.
Participate more in community activities.
Interact more with other individuals.
Read more constructive written works…not just gossip magazines and mangas.
Still have trouble managing my stress when speaking in public though. Have to work on that. Maybe by caring less about what people think of me? But how can I possibly not care about how my image’s perceived by others???
Repeating myself continuously: It’s all about THE image…the way you present yourself…the way you want people to look at you. So, you wouldn’t want to embarrass yourself under any circumstances.

Unforgettable Lines

O M G. I will never forget (and unable to forget) those lines…which happened to have came out of my Goddess’ mouth. They’re hilarious and 100% true.

Shanghai Kiss
Setting – An Americanese just got back to Shanghai from the US. He knows nothing about his culture and language…went to a bar and encountered my Goddess.
Liam: Hi
Micki: Hi
Liam: I’m Liam
Micki: Miki
Liam: You speak english?
Micki: You speak German?
Liam: Why would I speak German? We’re not in Germany.
Micki: Why would I speak English? We’re not in England.
Liam: Because everybody speaks english.
Micki: If that is true…then why even ask in the first place???

In Case Of Emergency (One of the best series I’ve seen that they cancelled -_-’)
Setting – My Goddess brought her friend, Sherman, to a strip club…hoping to get him over his wife.
Sherman: I’m not dead inside like you.
*Kelly gave a pissed look and turns around*
Sherman: I…I’m sorry. I mean…you’re not alive inside.
*Kelly gave that same look again*
Sherman: I didn’t make it better, did I?
Kelly Lee: No. Look…I’m not dead inside…it’s just that I think the world is a living hell…and it’s a sick demon who runs it.

Devil’s Den
Setting – Goddess and that ugly guy just ran off a whole bunch of flesh-eating-monsters.
Caitlin: *fast breathing* Just give me a minute…alright? *heavy breathing continues*
Quinn: What…are you tired?
*desperate look from Caitlin*
Quinn: Coz…I mean…we haven’t ran very far.
Caitlin: Look. I hate running…alright?
Quinn: Okay. I’m just saying…you know…tough girl like you…
Caitlin: …Isn’t usually the one doing the runnning.
Quinn: Yeah. Alright. Point taken.

Farm House
Setting: Samael and his wife, Lilith (Goddess), in front of their stupid guests.
*presenting a toast*
Samael: Make the best day of your past…the worst in the future.
Lilith: No honey. It’s make the worst day of your past…the best in the future.


Kelly Hu

My famous LadyDeathstrike (or should I say Dr. Rae Chang from Sunset Beach) phase is BAAACK.
Can you believe this English-Chinese-Hawaiian is already 42 (born in 1968)??? How can she keep it young? Anyways, just wanted to say that her movies are A.MA.ZING…take a look at her filmography (only my favorites are on that list…already in order of preferences):
  • X-Men 2: United (2003) – Just fantastic (one of my all time favorites)
  • The Tournament (2009) – Intelligent…wordless.
  • The Scorpion King (2002) – She’s fabulous as Cassandra (starting to like that name)
  • Devil’s Den (2006) – Splendid…did you see how keuwl her look is?
  • Undoing (2006) – Exquisite
  • Cradle 2 The Grave (2003) – It is just ridiculous the way she died…impossible.
  • Farm House (2008) – Again…unbelievable how they killed her character.
  • Dim Sum Funeral (2008) – Beautiful (only her…not the others)
  • Shanghai Kiss (2007) – The plot is stupide, but she’s stunning…still worth it.
  • Waiting for…Almost Perfect (2010). Apparently, she’s the main female character. XD

What is 潮? 潮流, 潮爆, 潮人, 潮話, 潮牌, 潮剧…
Trend. (long term)
Being trendy is totally fine by me. I actually like it…follow the fashion and upgrade thyself (as long as you stay in the normal-classy section). Appearance matters, remember? *wink*
The only thing I don’t get…is why people have a weird trendy way of speaking (潮話). Is it suppose to be keuwl to only express the first and last part of a sentence and pretend the message is clear??? If you go to HK and speak politically-syntaxly-grammatically correct…like me…people will automatically know that you’re  not originated from there and stare at you like you’re an idiot from Mars. Siiigh!!! What is wrong with people???

Moon Sign

Me = Libra
Diplomatic, aesthetical, avoiding confrontation, understanding and attentive. Likes to spend time with the partner, hates situations that require to make a choice.
The Moon in Libra people have a desire to conciliate conflicting interests, to help even complete opposites to meet somewhere, to find a peaceful solution for a conflict situation. In short – they are inborn diplomates. Intuitively, they feel that everything in this world has two sides – a positive and a negative – and try to restore harmony where, as they think, there is no balance. If someone is praised onesidedly, the Moon in Libra will add something negative about that person. But if someone is criticized, the same Moon in Libra will add something positive to the mixture.
It is quite typical for the Moon in Libra individuals to hezitate endlessly in situations where some choice is required. The result of their decision doesn’t become better from the amount of time spent in hezitations – they just pick something at random when there is no possibility to delay anymore.
Relationships can often be the most important part of life for the Moon in Libra people. Not only their emotional well-being, but even the state of their health might depend on how successfully they find mutual understanding with their partner. In order to restore their balance after a significant stress, they need to spend some time together with someone who is dear to them, to speak about their problem, to feel compassion and understanding. And if they don’t have such an opportunity for a long time, if stress continues to build up, the Moon in Libra can become inconstant and erratic. They can develop a problem with kidneys and get lower back pain as a result. Another typical health problem for them is a migraine-like headache, which also often has its roots in kidneys.
The Moon in Libra gives aesthetical perception. These people know quite well what they like and what they don’t, which colours and styles look right and which do not match. Parents with such a Moon are often worried about how to dress their children elegantly and fashionably so that nobody could say that there is something wrong in their family. The image of their family means a lot for the Moon in Libra individuals, and being good diplomates they try to always make a good impression and to hide any existing problems.
Conclusion: Very accurate…it says everything about me.

B-Day Overview

No special celebration whatsoever.
As predicted…the day didn’t went fabulously:
  • An unpolite person didn’t show up (as my premonition already told me) and did not call nor sent a message…she just vanished.
  • Another just took hours to show his face.
  • Mother Nature was able to read my mood and match the weather with it. -_-’
  • Nobody saw the Restaurant when we passed by…and I was the one taking the blame of not knowing how to read a map. Aaaargh!!! Why is it always me the stupid one and not…
  • Why am I not the person on most photos (take a look at the album)??? Well asked. Like my theory goes…the person who brings the camera is always the one holding it…thus the one with least photos.
Not that I mind doing LOTS of things to make people happy…but PLEEEEASE, at the very least…show that you enjoy and appreciate my effort. O-kay. I stop now…feel like I’m repeating myself over and over again without getting anywhere.
And anyways…why am I always planning my own birthday??? Am I that desperate??? Will no one do something for me if I do nothing for myself??? *chuckles* Declaration: No more events planning from me…this is my official retirement statement.
PS. Not the whole day was bad…I did like my chinese class…and LOOOVED my present – THE Tiffany & Co. classic charm bracelet given by my sister, her boyfriend, and HSK.

Birthday Curse

Same crisis over and over again…it is the same scenario each year…it is what I call it a – CURSE. O_O
I know that I always say how I do not like to celebrate my birthday…because there are really nothing to celebrate about. Really. Trust me. At a certain point of life…you wouldn’t want to celebrate/remember the fact that you’re getting old and starting to collect wrinkles -_-’…and that someday you’ll become an antique/vintage.
BUT…I still appreciate when people remember it.
Here’s why I have such a HUUUGE reaction in regards to my birthday (repeatedly/in a regular basis): 
  • Not only that me/myself/I have to organize a get-together…but one particular individual (not to mention names) ALWAYS have to play her I’m-always-busy-unlike-you-girls-and-do-not-know-if-I-could-make-it card each and EVERY single year. WTH!!!! You’re not suppose to be the star of the day…my sister and I – AM…you and your f*** peasant boyfriend are literally STEALING our thunder. Aaaargh!!!
  • On the work side…I’m only scheduled to work 2.5 days (no work = no $$$ = Nora is miserable)…and the .5 day has to be Sunday May 2nd (which is THE day)…WTH!!!! *continuously* Okay. Lets say that I "don’t" mind working on my birthday…but people here just can’t remember it (even with a reminder). Can you believe that I’ve been working here for almost 4 years and haven’t received 1 single birthday card (despite billion cards I’ve signed and gazillion cake contributions I made)??? TSSSSK!!!! I’m just a little disappointed…nothing to worry…I’ll probably get over it/forget about the crisis several days later.
O M G. I just need some respect and maybe some love from people I care. IS THAT TOO MUCH TO ASK???
Note: It is not my birthday YEEET…maybe I’m over reacting…but all I’m having here is just a feeling based on ritual facts…lets just see what’ll happen. Siiiiigh!!! *trying to put a smile on my face*

Review: Date Night

O M G. All I have to say is that "I will buy the film in blue-ray"…get the image???

Seriously…the storyline was original, the plot was awesome, the cast was well chosen, and jokes were hilarious (if you get them all). Moreover, I have to give a biased +++ to this movie…because it’s starring actors whom I LOOOVE. *_* Who??? Well…both main characters (Steve Carell and Tina Fey) and the 2010 Audi R8 4.2 (may you RIP my love).

PS. Other good movies which are worth to see are: How To Train Your Dragon and Clash Of The Titans. Waiting to go see Ocean (it’s suppose to be good).

Mental Peace

Note: I just needed to write this somewhere (tell someone…those who are interested) so that I could clear out my thoughts and remove that big rock sitting on by chest.
At this actual/critical time of my life…I need to:
  • Find myself a better job…something I LIKE (I’m born as a pro-maid) and which pays more
  • Have my driver’s license done
  • Wider/reinforce my social network…blog, FaceBook and Twitter
  • Continue my great work on saving and planning for travels/trips
  • Change of look…my final choice: blazers all the way (it just matches with anything)
  • Further education (criminology, forensic, east asian studies, morgue, entertainment, interior design)
  • Find the one I love…so that he (not she) could love me back…and build our family
That’s about what I can think of right now. Stay tuned for potential update.

Free Labour

One of the most tiredsome days of my life…would be…yesterday.
Started my daily part-time job at 0800 and ended 1300 (I told my aunt that I was finishing at 1700, so…shhhh!!!). Around 1800, I got myself to the restaurant (my mother had to go to her massage session) to work as a free slave for the night.
The moment I get there:
  • Only 2 people were there eating
  • My cousin’s girlfriend (Sally) was there helping a little (without the "uniform" on)
  • I say "Hi" to everyone
  • My aunt immediately throws a killing look towards me…saying that I’m *quote* late
  • Asks me to put on my uniform (which is an expensive black shirt from MY wardrobe)
  • Saying that I look like a real waitress (not really a compliment to my taste…more an insult)
  • AGAIN, still talking about the menu (that I should re-do it as soon as possibe)
  • Wants me to bring the bill to the client…who didn’t serve at all…how awkward is that??? 
Later on:
  • I was serving a couple and both, my uncle and aunt, came out of nowhere to interrupt (really. People working in the kitchen should not come out of the kitchen to the dinning area)
  • Closing (accouting stuffs) is hard when you don’t have instruction on how and what to do…and have someone behind you…constantly staring and asking you if you understand how to do it.
I’m starting to think that I’m developping something called…Caravellephobia.

Great Influence – Networking

Thanx to Melora’s (a little from HSK too) influence…Nora is starting to build her network…including:
What is left for me to be done??? Add the Twitter app to my iphone…and I’m on business.


In The Office it stands for Dunder Mifflin Inc. but apparently it can also mean Dummies Morrons Idiots.
A certain Ber**** Ro***gue (one of those imbecile real estate agents) called today at 1840…and asked for a modification in one of his old listings. I was explaining how it is impossible for me to do it since the mls department have to make certain verifications before they can do so and I don’t have the right to do what so ever in his listings anyway.
What is so difficult to understand in…"leave a message in their voicemail and they’ll call you back tomorrow morning asap because the mls department is closed at this time of the day"??? Is it very necessary to start insulting me by saying that I’m being difficult…that I’m not useful…and how it is not pleasant to talk to me…and how it is even better to get a machine instead of me??? (and some more that I can’t even remember…because I wasn’t listening anymore towards the end)
Aaaaargh!!! Curse you brainless people.
Result: I warned him and gently asked him to change his tone of speaking, which he didn’t…so…I hung up the phone while he was too busy insulting me. I have to declare that it is the very first time of my life to brutally hang up the phone on someone. Now, you can imagine how impolite that creature was and how angry I was.

NBC Universal Store and FedEx

Shipping is incredibly fast. *US all the way*
I confirmed my order on friday…shipment was out on saturday…and I get my stuffs today (monday)…it’s not even 3 open days. WHAOW!!! I’m more than impressed. I’ve got to say that I love doing business with American companies. *smack*
FYI: I feel like if I’m working for Dunder Mifflin…THE MOST LOYAL EMPLOYEE OF THE WORLD. I have a Dundie Award, an ornament labeling my room as The Office, and an iphone case from Dunder Mifflin inc.
*with Dwight’s tone* Question: What is the result of "World’s best boss" and "World’s loyalist employee" put together???
*again with Dwight’s tone* Answer: World’s successfulest company.

The Office Mania

My new favorite past time (thanx to my office-addicted friends) is to catch-up with…The Office…just brilliant and hilarious. *_* No wonder why they got so many nominations and awards.
Hey! Why is Jan not on that pic??? O_O Aaaargh!!!
 Nicely posed
How AWE-SOME is that??? Just LOOOVE them.
Melora Hardin aka Jan (Janet) Levinson
She’s just an incredibly talented actress-singer (wrote some of her own songs)-dancer. How could I not notice her before??? Crime. Now that I think of it…I remember finding her stunning in 17 Again.
There’s a lot her works I absolutely want to see…like: You (co-produced and co-starring with her husband), re-watch 17 Again, re-watch an episode of Friends, re-watch an episode of Without a Trace, an episode of CSI, 27 Dresses, The Violin, and Chicago: The Musical. I also wanted to see her performance in Hannah Montana…but just can’t stand all other actors…so I feel a little guilty…maybe I should watch it just for her. Siiigh!!! What can I not do for people I like, huh?

Happy Coincidence – Burb as Reward

Yesterday…which is a Thursday…which is payday…
I finally brought my long-time-wanted black packable tote Burb bag home from Ogilvy. *_* My next target will be Burb’s Sport Women perfume…loved Hermes’ Voyage perfume though.
(you remember I bought myself the iphone 3Gs for me finishing my BA? Well…yesterday it happens to be the day I actually received my certificate at home…call it a coincidence…but for me…it’s faith which make Burb my…official graduation gift to myself)
FYI: Burb = Burberry
Besides…I also bought some goodies from NBC Universal store: a Dunder Mifflin iphone case, a Dundie award, and some stickers. (pictures will be up when I get the products) It only cost me about 80$…it is actually a good time to buy…the currency is good.
Should I follow with the season 1-5 boxset (as a graduation gift)? YES!
Should I continue with Melora Hardin’s big hits (as a graduation gift)? YES!
Problem solved…THAT’S WHAT SHE SAID
Spoiler!!! (for those who haven’t seen The Office…but yet highly recommended) Phyllis just cought Angela cheating on Andy with Dwight. And, my dear/lovely/favorite Jan is expecting a baby…not from Michael (which I wish it was)…but an unknow sperm donor. O_O I’m very upset for the fact that she doesn’t appear in season 6 at all…hope she’ll be back on season 7 to win Michael back from that Holly.

Last Minute Cancellation

Let’s make this official…I hate people who arrive late for a meeting…but I also hate people who LAST MINUTE cancel a meeting with NO VALID reason + saying it in a very RUDE way.
Cancelling the day before the actual meeting…is last minute…especially if you’re the organizer and have this planned a week ahead. tsk. Why on earth do you plan something and finally not being able to attend yourself???
"Not feeling it" is clearly not a valid/acceptable reason.
What I call announcing in a rude way??? Well…not having the courage/guts to call and send sms instead…is not very polite.
Here I quote: "Cancel pour demain on ce reprendra pour dans deux semaines". O M G. Spelling’s wrong, syntax’s wrong, grammar’s wrong, punctuation’s wrong…everything’s just wrooong.
PS. "Canceller" does not exist in correct french speaking.


One of my horriblest weekend EVER…I’ve been throwing up and releasing (countless times) on Sunday and Monday all day and night (in an interval of once in an hour). Did I eat something wrong or is it just stress+fatigue as HSK says???
  • 36 hours sleep and still feel tired
  • Didn’t even open my tv or laptop to watch my series O_O I must’ve been VEEERY sick.
  • No force in my arms and legs…can’t stand up-straight
  • Haven’t eat during 2? hours
  • Didn’t even go to work on Monday…took a sick leave
  • Dizziness is still on
A super thanx to my mother who took good care of me. *smack*

An Unforgivable Crime of Mine

How could I have forgotten to congratulate the new 82nd Academy Awards Oscar winner in the category…Actress in a Leading Role – our always stunning SANDRA BULLOCK!!!
*cry of joy* Look how beautiful she is…
I was waiting for that moment…looong time ago. It is like a dream come true. YAY!!!
PS. She was destined to receive the award…look how the statuette matches her dress. Mouwahahahah!!!

Happiness After Darkness

Knowing that someone hates your face…is like living in darkness. You don’t know how to face that person when you see him/her…your regret of having done something wrong hunt you like an undisposable ghost. -_-’
*mood transition*
Misunderstanding/hatred from one against me vaporated with time (time is the best brain/heart healer)…our relation is almost back to original. I am quite happy to know that we can still talk to each other like same old time.
*removing a big rock from my heart*
*letting a heavy pack off my shoulder*


這些皇帝的妻子也是分三六九等的,《隋書?後妃傳》中記載,在隋代“貴妃、淑妃、德妃是為三夫人,品正第一;順儀、順容、順華、修儀、修容、修華、充儀、充容、充華是為九嬪,品正第二;婕妤一十二員,品正第三;美人、才人一十五員,品正第四,是為世婦;寶林二十四員,品正第五;禦女二十四員,品正第六;采女三十七員,品正第七;是為女禦,總一百二十,以敘於宴寢” 。